Burish Service Leaders

Burish interns are responsible for determining the volunteer needs of one of ten assigned schools in the Rockbridge County School System. Interns work in recruiting and training tutors to fill the needs of schools and ensuring that tutors are responsible for their assigned shifts. Interns serve as liaisons between school administration and volunteers and are active members of their school community. They will be expected to spend at least an average of 2 to 3 hours in the schools each week assisting in classrooms and/or tutoring; they will also spend another 1 to 2 hours organizing volunteers for a total of 3 to 5 hours per week. The hours will vary as volunteers become established. The start date for the internship is the first week of September and requires attendance at monthly meetings with head-interns. The Burish Program is typically a commitment for fall and winter term, but adjustments may be made for interested students going abroad.

Initially, the Burish interns will focus on determining the needs at their schools and then will be involved in working with the Service-Learning Coordinator, the head of the Nabors Service League and the Director of Teacher Education to recruit volunteers. They will contact volunteers who have expressed interest in volunteering and ensure that he or she knows how to sign in at the school, has completed the Rockbridge Country Volunteer form, and understands his or her assignment in the school. In addition, they will communicate with W&L and with the schools if problems arise that need to be resolved. The intern does not have to solve the problems but has to alert the appropriate staff at the schools or at W&L who will then deal with the issues involved.

Interns are required to communicate bi-weekly with a W&L supervisor in Teacher Education or their designated head-intern to review their progress in the schools.

Any student may apply for the Burish Internship whether or not they are involved in education or poverty studies. However, preference for the internships will be given to qualified students that are interested in Teacher Education and/or have been involved in some way with service and volunteer coordination through programs such as the Nabors Service League, the Bonner Leader Program, the Campus Kitchen leadership team, the Shepherd Poverty Program, and other relevant service-oriented programs.

Hiring for the following school year begins in March and the new cohort of interns are notified and assigned schools in May. If Interested, please contact Professor Sigler or Head-Intern Nona David.


Interns will be paid through the Washington and Lee work-study program and may earn up to $2400.00 per year, unless they have another arrangement through the Bonner Leader Program.  Bonner students are paid according to the Bonner Program guidelines. Mileage to Natural Bridge  Elementary, Mountain View Elementary,  and Fairfield Elementary will be reimbursed at the rate of $.375 per mile. Interns who have not been employed by work-study before will need to complete paperwork at the Human Resources Office before beginning the position, and their parents will have to complete the required for financial aid and work study.